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Le médecin face à l'assistance à personne en danger et à l'urgence: jurisprudence française sur la non-assistance du médecin: droit médical international: l'organisation des secours d'urgence
ISBN: 2224020309 9782224020309 Year: 1991 Publisher: Paris: Maloine,

Het juridisch statuut van de O.C.M.W.-ziekenhuisgeneesheren
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9062005594 9789062005598 Year: 1991 Volume: vol *17 Publisher: Brugge Wilrijk Brussel Die Keure Universiteit Antwerpen. Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen Instituut Administratie-Universiteit

Geneeskunde : recht en medisch handelen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9064397341 9789064397349 Year: 1991 Publisher: Diegem Story-Scientia [E.]

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#gsdb7 --- aansprakelijkheid (recht) --- Physician and patient --- Relations médecin-patient --- Expérimentation humaine en médecine --- Practice Management, Medical. --- 614.253.83 --- $?$91/11 --- 614.25 <493> --- 342.7-056.24 <493> --- 343.62 <493> --- 614.27 <493> --- 614.2 <493> --- 343.61 <493> --- 615.212 <493> --- 343.81-056.36 <493> --- vrije beroepen --- 340.13 --- Geneeskunde - Geneeskunst --- Recht (wetten) --- Management, Medical Practice --- Medical Practice Management --- Practice Management Services, Medical --- Medical Practice Management Services --- Managements, Medical Practice --- Medical Practice Managements --- Practice Managements, Medical --- professions liberales --- Ethiek van de verschillende beroepen. Plichtenleer. Deontologie. --- Positief recht. --- Médecine - Art de guérir --- Droit sanitaire --- Wettelijke en contractuele aansprakelijkheid ; Geneesheren ; Veeartsen ; Apothekers ; Tandartsen ; Paramedici --- PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, legislation, Belgium --- Practice Management, Medical --- MEDICAL, Belgium --- PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, legislation, Belgium. --- MEDICAL, Belgium. --- Academic Collection --- Professional practice, legislation, belgium. --- Practice management, medical. --- Medical, belgium. --- Relations médecin-patient --- Professional Practice --- Legislation, Medical. --- Academic collection --- 34 --- 351.82*8 <493> --- 351.84*7 <493> --- 614.25 --- 614.253 --- 61 --- #A9110A --- recht --- AA / International- internationaal --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 173 --- 343.2 --- Archi-JU --- Gezondheidsrecht --- 13.12 --- Medical Legislation --- Medicine --- 351.84*7 <493> Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen--België --- Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen--België --- 351.82*8 <493> Beroepenrecht. Vestigingswetgeving--België --- Beroepenrecht. Vestigingswetgeving--België --- legislation & jurisprudence. --- droit --- Geneeskunde. --- Strafwetten. --- legislation & jurisprudence --- gezondheidsrecht --- verzekeringen --- gezondheidszorg --- artsen --- Medical law --- geneeskunde --- Legislation, Medical --- Ethiek van de verschillende beroepen. Plichtenleer. Deontologie --- Geneeskunde --- Positief recht --- Strafwetten --- Legislation --- Medical laws and legislation --- Physicians --- Medical ethics --- Human experimentation in medicine --- Médecine --- Médecins --- Ethique médicale --- Expérimentation humaine en médecine --- Malpractice --- Discipline --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Responsabilité professionnelle --- Belgium --- DROIT MEDICAL ET BIOETHIQUE --- MEDECIN --- MEDECINE --- ORDRE DES MEDECINS --- RELATIONS MEDECIN / PATIENT --- INTERRUPTION VOLONTAIRE DE GROSSESSE (IVG) --- PROCREATION MEDICALEMENT ASSISTEE (PMA) --- DROIT CIVIL BELGE --- DROIT CIVIL FRANCAIS --- MALADES MENTAUX --- EUTHANASIE --- PRELEVEMENT D'ORGANES --- SECRET MEDICAL --- BANQUE DE DONNEES MEDICALES --- MEDECINS --- PROFESSIONS DE SANTE --- EXERCICE ILLEGAL --- DROIT DES PERSONNES --- NAISSANCE --- MINEUR --- DOSSIER MEDICAL --- HONORAIRES

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